An appearance
like Mozart
still stays a wonder
that can not be
explained further.
Image detail: Mozart on Reisenberg, Foto: Philipp Horak
Exhibition in Vienna
Vienna – Café Diglas, Austria
Tuesday, 22. February 2006, 8pm
23 February - 5. December 2006
Café Diglas
Supporters and sponsors:
The exhibition 'Mozart in Vienna – selected scenes of his life' was shown because of Wolfgang Amadè Mozart’s 250. birthday in a half-public place, the Café Diglas and could reach over 200.000 people. Within the framework of the exhibition, the bookstore 'Morawa' organized the exquisite event-series 'Mozart – über die Gassen' et al. with Wolf Wondratschek, Peter Wehle and Kurt Plam.