Musical Adventure Central Europe

Politic, economy and art
together for one goal


2002-2004 Gala-concerts in Budapest, Prague, Bratislava, Crakow and Vienna


Mediation of the goals of the International Summer Academy Prague – Vienna – Budapest in the partner-countries. 


The best artists of the partner-universities gave concerts in their home-universities and played programs of composers of the Middle Europe, as a sign for the cultural solidarity of the region.


Support of the artists of the each university.
Mediation of the music of Middle-Europe
Establishing of the International Summer Academy Prague – Vienna – Budapest in each partner-countries
The search of new sponsors and grants-donators
Strengthening of the public awareness for the cultural solidarity in Middle-Europe 


Idea and conception of the concert-cycle in coopertaion with Prof. Michael Frischenschlager


Develpoment of the concept and realisation of the gala-concerts.


Initiative of Christian Vranek’s own, within the framework of the International Summer Academy Prague – Vienna – Budapest in cooperation with the music-universities of CEE, the ministry for european and international affairs and the chambers of commerce

Link: Supporter and sponsors


The concert-cycle ‚Musical Adventure Central Europe’ presented the best scholarship holders of the International Summer Academy Prague – Vienna – Budapest within the framework of the gala-concerts at each partner-music-universities. The concert-cycle was dedicated to the countries of the CEE, as a symbol for the cultural closeness of this region in cooperation with a unique culture-, economic-, and life-region in a new larger EU-Europe 


The concerts pleased to a large popularity of the artists, the audiance and of the media. A number of new sponsors could be won. The exquisite music-program, the choosen artists and the large audiance’ interest, connected with receptions after the concerts made them to social happenings. The organisation and realisation of the concerts intensified the personal contacts and contributed to closer teamwork of the universities themselves. Furthermore, the concert-cycle was the stimulation for a closer cooperation between these universities and business companies. The cultural closeness of the middle of Europe could be arranged with the music in an impressive way as a symbol for an intensiv future teamwork between the countries in the centre of Europe.

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