Ignaz J. Pleyel Anniversary Year
A composer's anniversary between Mozart and Haydn
Consultant of the Ignaz J. Pleyel 2007
Impulses and suggestions to promote the composer Ingnz J. Pleyel
Immediately after the 250th of birthday Wolfgang Amadè Mozart in 2006, the 250th birthday of the composer Ignaz J. Pleyel should give in 2007 the cause for much more attention to his compositions in the international music business.
To position Ignaz J. Pleyels music much more in the cultural business and as well in the public.
Consultant and Lobbying-Activities
Idea for the development of a Pleyel logo as a trademark for the anniversary year
Lobbying and communication to artists, to concert organizers. to publishers and the media in general
Suggestions to the performance of the works of Ignaz J. Pleyel
Suggestion to publisize Ignaz J. Pleyel compositions
Suggestions for the media reporting, among other things
Radio-transference of Concerts with music of Ingnaz J. Pleyel
Idea for the Ignaz J. Pleyel year-homepage
Lower Austria fund
The Lower Austria fund had the aim for 2007, within the scope of its activities, especially to promote the work of the composer Ignaz Pleyel, born in Lower Austria (1757 - 1831), on the occasion of his 250th birthday. Pleyel who counts to the masters of the classical music in the shade of Mozart and Haydn, founded in the advanced age in Paris a piano factory and worked there also as a publisher. The name Pleyel is well-known in France till today, because of the Salle Pleyel, one of the most attractive concert halls of Paris. Pleyel was during his live also very successful in Italy and England. The Pleyel year was a welcome time, especially about the increased performances of his compositions, to call his music in the public consciousness again. The thrilling biography of the composer could be given by reinforced media reporting (TV, radio, print and new media) for a wide public.
Numerous national and international concerts, CD recordings, radio-transferences and new scores of Pleyels music have served to position the name Pleyel and his work again stronger publicly. On grounds of the short preterm it was realy great how many artists were ready to take up the works Pleyel's in their repertoire. Also the huge support by the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, which broadcasted many concerts and produced a tv-movie about the life of Pleyel contributed to the success of the project.