Institute new Impulses
To learn for live with all senses!
Consultant of the Institute new Impulses with art and pedagogics
New positioning of the Institute new Impulses with art and pedagogics
Outgoing from an analysis of the institute, it was a matter of conceiving the available educational programs and event offers. New contents should reach new target groups with new a communication-strategy and a new design.
The Institute new Impulses with art and pedagogics should become an established and respected partner in the area of aesthetic education in Austria.
Conceptional creation of the institute aims and offers
Reworking of the institute programmes
Production of a new institute logo
Reorganisation of the homepage
Production of a new institute pamphlet
Production of a new institute folder
Elaboration of a financing concept
Elaboration of a sponsor concept
Advisory function in PR matters
Institute new Impulses with art and pedagogics
The Institute new Impulses with art and pedagogics was founded by Peter Wolsdorf with the aim to develop projects and programs for 'aesthetic education' to promote the sensory activity of the person as an ideal and necessary supplement to the logical-abstract thinking. The artistic projects of the institute strengthen possibilities of development, perception ability and ability to judge as well as openness, creativity and social action. Besides, the institute developed, especially for youngsters‚ aesthetic educational programs such as '...mein Land ist dein Land...', 'Europa-Spiel der Kulturen', 'Lesetheater im Klassenzimmer', 'Faszination Musik', 'Kunstwerke im Klassenzimmer', 'theater-Reisen', 'Die lange Nacht des Lesens' and 'theaterIMPULS interaktiv'. In addition, the institute organized 'aesthetic educational programs' for youngsters and adults like the 'International Schiller-Gespräche', 'Literatur-Karusell-Niederösterreich', 'Raimund Gespräche' and 'Themen der Zeit – Forum Perchtoldsdorf'.
The Institute new Impulses with art and pedagogics was new positioned: An enlargement and restructuring of the offer should wake up the interest of the target groups as well as sponsors. A new developed sponsor concept should provide the attraction of the institute to potential sponsors. In addition, a new design was developed with the aim to attract attention of the potential customers and new target groups.