Symposium Art University & Economy
Head of the project – Symposium Art University and Economy.
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The globalisation leads to much more mobility of the students. The universities are into a larger international competition with each other. Because of that, leading universities must have ressources in every respect for offering the best education. For strengthening the ressources and to guarantee the competitiveness of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, cooperations with economic partners should be arranged in the future.
The Symposium arraged a meeting of prominent representatives of the music university and the economy. On the base of the diverse offer of the university national and international experts dicussed possibilities of cooperation, perspectives for the future and successful relationsships between art university and economy.
On the base of the new scientific knowledge and the contributions in the symposium, cooperations between the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and the economy should be prombed according to international examples.
Head of the Symposium in cooperation
with Prof. DDr. hc. Michael Frischenschlager
Conception, organisation and leading through the Symposium.
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
International Summer Academy Prague – Vienna – Budapest
Supporters and sponsors:
gugler print & media
Chamber of Commerce Austria
Federation of Austrian Industries Vienna
Initiativen Wirtschaft für Kunst
Cafe Restaurant Residenz Schönbrunn, family Querfeld
Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik GmbH
Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Ö1
Österreichische Hochschülerschaft
About 150 companies took part in the Symposium with large interest. For the university, a lot of new contacts and perspectives were opend up. A large number of top companies and cooperations partners could be won as sponsors and supporters for the university.