Monday, 18 June, 2001
9.30am - 1.00pm
Fundraising and sponsorship in the USA and the situation in Austria
Artistic opening: The fascination of the new sound
10.00am - 10.45am
Methods and structures of Fundraising in the USA with the example of
'The Campain for Julliard'
11.00am - 00.30pm
Fundraising and sponsorship in Austria – chances of cooperations of art university and economy
Afterwards discussion
02.30pm - 06.30pm
Capital application for the support of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna by private allowances.
Artistic introduction: Music as a language of the minorities
02.45pm - 03.15pm
Basic tax conditions for supporters, founders and sponsors
03.15pm - 04.00pm
Foundations, funds and associations – experiences from the practise for the support of art, educational theory, science and research
04.00pm - 04.30pm
Conveyor associations at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
04.45pm - 06.00pm
Foundations as a sponsor of studying artists
Afterwards discussion
Tuesday, 19 June, 2001
9.30am - 01.00pm
The University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and its activities – information for enterprises interested in culture
Artistic introduction: Contribution of the Film Academy of Vienna
10.00am - 00.30pm
The University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna in the mirror of its wide sphere of activities between art, educational theory, science and research
02.30pm - 04.30pm
Art university and economy in the dialogue
Artistic introduction: Contribution of the Max Reinhardt Seminar
02.45pm - 04.30pm
Projects, initiatives and ideas of the economy for cooperations with the University for Music and Performing Art Vienna
Afterwards discussion
Supporting programme:
Sunday, 17 June, 2001, 07.30pm
Place: Golden hall, Musikverein Wien, Vienna
Choral and orchestra concert, Schönberg Festival
Monday, 18 June 2001, 07.30pm
Place: Festival hall, House of the Industry, Vienna
Festival concert‚ '10 years International Summer Academy Prague-Vienna-Budapest'
Tuesday, 19 June, 2001, 07.30pm
Place: Schloßtheater Schönbrunn, Vienna
Opera evening: 'Orfeo and Euridice'